--Niniel EU-Kilrogg --Niniel EU-Kilrogg


Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.


Solarian and Void Reaver down

Yesterday was a success! As soon as everyone installed the addon Solarianalarm we got her in the first try!

Solarian going down

Solarian down

We then proceeded to Void Reaver who went down in a flawless last attempt of the evening as it was getting late.

Void Reaver

Void Reaver down


megan said...

Grats on Solarian! We only had 2-3 attempts on her last year before we decided to focus more on Lurker and Hydross, so I never got around to picking up that juicy Lock trinket.

We're working on Alar now instead to make it easier for TK nights.

Niniel said...

Thank you! :)

You should have been there with us Megan, it dropped for us :)

That addon really makes the fight easy.

We tried Alar for the first time yesterday and got to 52% in the second phase. It's pretty chaotic =)
How far have you come? Any advice?