Sweet reward: [Reins of the Icebound Frostbrood Vanquisher]
The challenging part of Neck-Deep in Vile (25 player) besides the AoE and dps requirement is that Defile will cause more trouble in that last phase. As you spend a lot of time grouped up and you can't drop it in kite path there's a chance something will go wrong.
Can you please please please list all the addons you use? I am looking at cloning that for my baby druid, i simply love it!
I'm glad you like it!
I'm using something like +150 addons so I won't list all but I can list those that you can see in that screenshot or are worth mentioning:
Pitbull 4 (Unit frames)
Bison (Buff/debuffs)
Grid (Raid frames)
oRA2 (MT targets)
Chatter (Chat addon)
Chatbar (Clickable channel buttons)
SexyCooldown (Orange cooldown bar)
CooldownWatch 2 (additional cooldown watcher)
Dominos (action bars)
Squeenix (minimap)
Fortress (bottom broker menu bar)
Hitsmode 5 (combat log)
kgPanels (gradients and borders)
Fontifier (font switcher)
SharedMedia (Healbot textures)
Ellipsis (hot/dot tracker)
Buttonfacade (swap skin on buttons)
ButtonFacade: Svelte (skin used on my bars)
Grats Nin! =)
Thanks Beru! :)
super gratz! we're 11/12 HM and will be working on that Thursday.. From 10 man I know it's a pita.
what healer comp did you guys use for this achievement?
Here's the WoL link for the kill: http://www.worldoflogs.com/reports/rt-ccpujc567q0vmhph/sum/healingDone/?s=10622&e=11463
We used:
1 holy priest
3 paladins
1 shaman
1 resto druid
1 disc priest
(+2 shadow priests)
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