--Niniel EU-Kilrogg --Niniel EU-Kilrogg


Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.


Outland Raider

This one was a bit overdue. I hadn't gone back to Zul Aman since Wrath arrived so I didn't have that one achievement registered. Luckily for me there were a few others in the guild missing some old raids as well so we had a stroll through Hyjal and Zul Aman as well as a quick kill of Magtheridon and Gruul.

It was great fun to go back to those old encounters but I distinctly remember them being harder back then. +100 wipes on Archimonde in a 25 man raid compared to killing him in less than one minute with 8 people. Raids doesn't age very well in this game.

This is also what my UI looks like now that I've got a new screen running at 1920*1080.

1 comment:

Heywood Djiblomi said...

"This is also what my UI looks like now that I've got a new screen running at 1920*1080."

Lots of screen real estate is invaluable, to be sure.